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A spritzgebäck is a type of German Christmas cookie. They are relatively easy to make and require only common ingredients, including eggs, butter, sugar, and flour. When made correctly, they are crisp, fragile, somewhat dry, and buttery.

Spritzgebäck is a common pastry in Germany and served often during Christmas time. During this time, it is not unusual for mothers to spend the afternoons baking with their children for one or two weeks. Traditionally, mothers bake Spritzgebäck after their own special recipes, which they pass down to their children.

Traditional recipe


250 g sugar
1 egg
375 g wheat flour
250 g butter
1 small packet vanilla sugar
75 g hoed almonds

Stir butter until foamy, add sugar, egg, flour, vanilla sugar and almonds. Knead until you formed a compact dough. Store in a cool place over night.

Use a meat grinder to press the dough in form (make sure you use a special attachment). Cut the long stripes into smaller ones (approx. 5 cm) and bake them at 175°C for 12 minutes.

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spritzgebäck, German Christmas cookie, easy to make, common ingredients, including eggs, butter, sugar, and flour, they are crisp, fragile, dry, buttery