
Yule Goat

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A Yule Goat from Uppland, Sweden.
A Yule Goat from Uppland, Sweden.
Julbocken by John Bauer Julbocken by John Bauer
Folk tale depiction of Father Christmas on riding a goat.  Perhaps an evolved version of the Swedish Tomte.
Folk tale depiction of Father Christmas Tomte.

The (Sw. julbock) is one of the oldest Scandinavian Christmass symbols. Its origins might go as far back as to pre-Christian days, where goats where connected to the god Thor, who rode the sky in a wagon drawn by goats.

jultomte (Santa Claus) at the end of the century, and the tradition of the man-sized goat disappeared.

The Yule Goat can also be a figure, often made out of straw or roughly-hewn wood. In older Scandinavian society a popular prank was to place the Yule Goat in a neighbor's house without them noticing; the family successfully pranked had to get rid of it in the same way. The modern version of the Yule Goat figure is a decorative goat made out of straw and bound with red ribbons, a popular Christmas ornament often found under the Christmas tree. Large versions of this ornament are frequently erected in towns and cities around Christmas time -- these goats tend to be set on fire before Christmas, a tradition that is also illegal and certainly unasked for by the goat makers. The Gävle goat was the first of these goats, and remains the most famous as well as the most burnt down.

See also

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Yule Goat, Uppland, Sweden, julbock, yule symbols, julbock gävle, gävle julbock, Julbocken, Scandinavian Christmas symbols, Christmas characters, food, holidays, music, father Christmas, Santa Claus, traditions, joulupukki the yule goat